Sunday, March 15, 2020


Most large land animals on Eurus belong to the clade Endostea, characterised by the presence of an internal skeleton. It is this skeleton in addition to their circulatory and respiratory systems that have allowed them to reach their large sizes.

Evolution of Endosteans

The evidence that previous researchers on Eurus have gathered points towards Endosteans descending from a group of insect-like organisms called Holocelypheans. Going further back, Holocelypheans descended from shelled mollusc-like organisms. On the course of their evolution towards a more insect-like form, these “molluscs” developed numerous hydrostatic legs under their body, and eventually grew a jointed exoskeleton over their whole body for greater protection.

The group of Holocelypheans ancestral to Endosteans, the Arthropterans, had wings and was capable of powered flight, shown in the image below. These wings originally developed from the second and rear pair of limbs, which were used for swimming by their aquatic ancestors. These limbs developed numerous hairs on them to increase drag and function as fins. Although the exact details are unknown, not long after they moved to land, these fins developed into wings

The ancestral Arthropteran. This is the group the Endosteans arose from. Although they look like Earth flies, they’re more like flying spiders in a lot of ways
The aquatic ancestors of Arthropterans used their second and rear limb pairs for swimming. The front pair of these fins are primarily for guiding their movement and steering, whereas most of their thrust comes from the rear fins. The middle three pairs of limbs are used for walking, and the front pair are used in feeding

Arthropterans grew larger over time, but there a number of limitations to their size. One is the need to constantly shed their exoskeleton as they grow, leaving them weak and their weight relatively unsupported as their new cuticle hardens. One group of Arthropterans solved this by developing a layer of skin over their exoskeleton, which deposits new layers of skeleton over old ones as it grows. This is in stark contrast to their ancestors who grew their new exoskeletons underneath the last. Their old skeletons can be reabsorbed rather than shed. With this layer of flesh over it, their exoskeleton became an endoskeleton. This outer flesh consisted of not just skin but also fatty tissue, allowing the animal to hold as much fat as necessary without their skeleton restricting it.

Other adaptations included the development of a lung. This evolved from the tracheal system. In some species, the trachea can be expanded and contracted to allow for a kind of breathing, and it was this that allowed a lung-like organ to appear as the respiratory system further adapted to support a larger body. They also developed a closed circulatory system, rather than the open circulatory system of their ancestors.

These adaptations allowed the first Endosteans to reach a much larger size then the insect-like organisms they descended from, a previously untapped niche on Eurus for land animals. The earliest Endosteans looked something like the animal below, although keep in mind this is just a reconstruction. Although the first Endosteans were octopedal, in most modern groups one or more of these pairs of legs was either lost or repurposed.

The ancestral Endostean

Endosteans are split into two major groups; Platysomes and Tetrapterans. Platysomes tend to have flattened bodies to increase their ability to withstand strong winds, and they’ve lost all four wings. Their front legs have shrunk in size and came into use as jaws for feeding. In most lineages they are covered by a layer of skin that protects the mouth. Tetrapterans have retained their wings, and although many are incapable of flight they serve a function in temperature regulation and sometimes gliding. Tetrapterans have six legs, with the second to rear pair lost, although some groups have less limbs. Ancestrally they have two wing pairs, but in some groups one or both of these pairs have been lost.

In general, Platysomes have adapted to living out in open spaces in the wind, while Tetrapterans are more suited to enclosed environments like the planet’s “wind shadow forests”. However, both groups can be found in all environments.


Internal anatomy of an Endostean, showing the organs of the Platysome Monocerodon)

Monocerodon skeleton


The bones of Endosteans aren’t quite as strong as those of Earth vertebrates, but they’re far stronger than the chitinous exoskeletons of their ancestors. They’re made of a composite material consisting largely of calcium carbonate, but it’s mainly its honeycomb structure that gives Endostean bones their greater strength than that of their ancestors (many aquatic Holocelypheans already used calcium carbonate).

In terms of structure, the skeletons of Endosteans are very similar to that of their ancestors, apart from the fact it’s internal.

At the torso and head, the skeleton consists of a series of overlapping plates, completely covering the internal organs but allowing for movement. In Tetrapterans, however, there are gaps between these plates, except at the head (where more protection is needed), sacrificing defence for lightness.

The bones of the limbs consist of hollow cylinders, with elastic connective tissue at each joint connecting these bones. The muscles are situated on the inside of these cylinders, rather than the outside, a remnant of their ancestry from animals with exoskeletons. They typically have six legs, at the end of each are a pair of claws. The bone of these claws is typically quite flexible, often consisting more of chitin and connective tissue than calcium carbonate, and they’re hollow, with muscle inside. This muscle is able to bend the claws, although in some groups the claws have hardened and become less flexible.

Tetrapterans have wings similar in structure to the legs. Each wing is supported by a single jointed appendage, with hollow cylindrical bones and muscles on the inside.

Nervous system

The nervous system of endosteans is optic rather than electric. To transmit a signal, bioluminescent light is generated then carried along transparent “nerve” fibres that act as biological optical fibres. At the synapses, this light triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which in turn trigger the production of another bioluminescent signal. The nerves aren’t perfectly transparent and some light is lost, so these synapses are necessary for maintaining signal strength.

The central nervous system consists of a brain at the front of the animal, where most of the sensory organs are located, attached to a long spinal cord running along the underside of the body where it’s protected by bone.  


Movement is achieved using tissues of variable elasticity. If elasticity is increased in one “muscle” and reduced in another, the muscle with reduced elasticity will contract in length and stretch its antagonist. This reversible change in elasticity is achieved by exposing the tissue to certain chemicals, released by glands found within the muscles. The activity of these glands is regulated by light, allowing the optical nerves to control muscles.

Muscles are located on the inside of the bones, and attach at their ends via connective tissue. Muscles consist of fibres aligned parallel to the long axis, as well as fibres arranged perpendicularly to the long axis, allowing them to both expand and contract, acting as a muscular hydrostat. This is probably a result of their ancestry from mollusc-like ancestors, whose entire bodies consisted of muscular hydrostats. This way, muscles control the animal’s movement by both pushing and pulling against bone. The insides of the bones have grove-like structures where the muscles attach to allow for this.

Circulatory and respiratory systems

Air is taken in and expelled through a pair of breathing slits at either side of the animal’s face or neck. Both slits have tracheae that lead to a single lung, surrounded in muscles that allow it to expand and contract to take air in and out. Usually, there are organs resembling vocal cords in either trachea. Unlike the tetrapods of Earth, this respiratory system isn’t connected to the digestive system in any way.

Two hearts are present along the back. The frontmost heart is the lung heart, or anterior heart, a two chambered heart responsible for pumping blood through the lung. Further back is the systemic heart, or posterior heart, which can have up to four chambers and pumps blood throughout the body and back to the lung heart.

The systemic heart carries both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, with oxygenated blood directly from the lung going though the upper atrium and ventricles, and deoxygenated blood going through the lower atrium and ventricles. The lung heart, however, only pumps deoxygenated blood, pumping it through its single atrium and ventricle.

The blood of endosteans contains the copper-based oxygen carrying protein haemocyanin, giving it its blue colour. Deoxygenated blood, however, is colourless. Endosteans don’t have the equivalent of red blood cells, with the haemocyanin instead suspended directly in their blood plasma rather than carried by cells.

Haemocyanin is only about a quarter as efficient as the haemoglobin of Earth vertebrates. However, it’s more efficient in the low oxygen and low temperature conditions found in the deep sea where the endosteans’ distant mollusc-like, and later crustacean-like ancestors lived. In fact, the molluscs and crustaceans of Earth use the same protein. This protein was retained throughout the evolution of holocelypheans on land and as endosteans evolved; however, the specific form of haemocyanin changed over time, and in modern endosteans a more efficient haemocyanin is used which is unknown on Earth. This haemocyanin is over twice as efficient as the usual kind in the conditions found on the surface.

Digestive system

Endosteans have a U-shaped digestive tract, which they retained from their shelled mollusc-like ancestors. These molluscs’ shells forced their bodies to be shaped in such a way that their anus was just under their mouth, so both could leave the shell. This shape was retained even after the shell was reduced.

In platysomes, the digestive system begins at a mouth near the front of the body, which is protected by a layer of flesh just under the head forming a pouch. The inside of this pouch can be accessed through an external sphincter, where food is taken in. Inside the mouth there are two extendible tongues, one above the throat and one below the throat, as well as two different jaw pairs used to masticate food. The jaws consist of the inner mandibles, which are smaller, not attached to the skull and rarely ossified, as well as the larger outer mandibles. The inner mandibles are used to grind food, acting like molars. The outer mandibles developed from the front limbs and are used to cut food, acting as incisors, both coming into contact with a chitinous “beak” at the front of the roof of the mouth that it cuts against.

The mouths of tetrapterans have some differences. Tetrapterans lack outer mandibles, with the inner mandibles possessing attachments to the skull and are used for cutting rather than grinding. The mouth is positioned more to the front of the head, rather than underneath, and it lacks the protective pouch of platysomes with the mandibles exposed. The upper and lower tongues are both present, although they tend to be retracted inside the throat. The anus also ends inside the throat rather than just below it, with only one hole visible from the outside. Unlike the inner mandibles of platysomes, tetrapteran inner mandibles are usually fully ossified.

Once food enters the throat it travels through the oesophagus, through a series of muscle contractions, where it eventually reaches a stomach. In most tetrapterans, there is a gizzard before the stomach; this allows food to be ground up before reaching the stomach, since the mandibles of tetrapterans don’t chew. These gizzards are lined with numerous hard chitinous plates and surrounded by a thick layer of muscle. The stomach breaks down food chemically with enzymes and acid, but plays very little role in absorption. The lower lobe of the stomach functions as a crop, storing food, but can be greatly reduced in some species. Both tubes connect to the upper stomach; food is able to pass entirely through the stomach without entering the crop. The stomach also plays a role in detoxification.

After being processed in the stomach, food enters the posterior intestines, which play some role in food absorption but mainly absorb water and filter blood. After having nitrogenous waste added to it the stool travels around to the anterior intestines where the majority of nutrient absorption takes place. As it approaches the front of the body it passes through the rectum, and then an anus, located near the throat. In platysomes, it is inside the mouth pouch just below the opening to the throat. The waste is then expelled out of the mouth.


Endostean eye anatomy

Most major sensory organs are clustered near the front of the body. For vision, there are multiple paired eyes, usually between four and eight, as well as smaller ocelli in some groups. The major eyes are camera eyes able to resolve images, and although their general structure is comparable to that of the vertebrate eyes of Earth, on a closer look there are a number of differences.

Instead of a lens, the pupil consists of a small pin-hole that usually has a transparent protective membrane, with the light instead focused by a concave reflective structure called a speculum at the back of the eye. This focuses the image onto the retina, just behind the front of the eye, covered in photoreceptors that send signals down the optic nerve and to the brain. Images can be focused by changing the shape of the speculum, using muscles just beneath it pushing and contracting to modify its curvature as well as changing its position relative to the retina. The presence of the pupil in the middle of the retina creates a blind spot. There is also a second blind spot where the optic nerve passes through the retina.

The small ocelli developed much later, and are incapable of focusing or resolving a clear image. They likely appeared after the development of flight in holocelypheans, at least from the evidence I’ve been able to gather, and originated from photosensitive areas of the exoskeleton. They originally served a function in stabilising the flight of arthropterans, much like the ocelli of Earth insects do, but have come to assist the primary eyes in numerous other ways throughout endostean evolution. The ocelli are much harder than the primary eyes, consisting of a partially mineralised chitin lens with a retina at the back of the eye.

The hearing organs of endosteans are located near the front of the head inside the mouth. Each individual has a single “ear”, consisting of a loose bone able to respond to vibration. Hearing isn’t as good as in vertebrates; it’s likely that the windy nature of the planet meant that sensitivity to sound wasn’t as useful, since the wind often drowns it out. In fact, the endostean ear is more effective at picking up vibrations in the ground, as in platysomes who often have their mouths pressed against the ground. Unlike airborne sound, sound is able to travel effectively through the earth even in windy conditions.

Inside the mouth are a number of taste receptors, including receptors on the roof of the mouth as well as the tip of the tongue. There are scent receptors in the respiratory slits in some groups, although smell is rarely a strong sense.

In addition to these senses, there are also pressure receptors in the skin throughout the body, as well as temperature and pain receptors. There are three balance organs in the head just behind and under the brain (one rear and two front), able to sense orientation, and most muscles have stretch receptors.

Evolution of Endostean eyes


Endosteans have two sexes, although the males are much smaller and remain worm-like in form throughout their lives. The males mate by latching onto a female and slowly fusing to her, providing the female with a regular supply of sperm. Males tend to go inside the female's breathing slit; females probably originally had the sexual organ the males latch onto outside it, but it moved into the slit for protection.

In most species females "mate" by giving each other their male offspring. Some produce males asexually when their eggs haven't been fertilised, and females when their eggs have been fertalised; however, other Endostean groups will have to have mated before to birth any males.

Most Endosteans start out as worm-like larvae, metamorphosising as they mature, although some groups have fully-developed young. Larvae may or may not form a protective cocoon depending on the specific clade.

Young are grown in a uterus-like organ in the head, with a birth canal leading to the oesophagus. Eggs or live young go through the oesophagus and are expelled out of the mouth.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bamboo trees

A bamboo tree

Other than desert, most of the planet’s dry surface is covered in grassland, because of the heavy winds. However, the still season provides an opportunity for taller tree-like organisms to grow, from the kingdom Erythroplasta. Since they only have a relatively short period of time to reach full height, these trees need to be very fast growers, helped by the high levels of ammonia and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Their stems resemble those of the bamboo plants of Earth due to their similar means of growth, and their leaves are thin and needle-like to minimise surface area and increase wind tolerance (although their leaves can be fairly long). Bamboo trees reproduce by growing seeds near the top which, once the windy season begins, are blown away and spread by wind dispersal. The trees die shortly afterwards, leaving behind a grassy treeless landscape, and new trees won’t emerge until the next still season.

Major taxonomic kingdoms

Complex, multi-celled life on Eurus is grouped into five main kingdoms, as opposed to the three kingdoms of the eukaryotes of Earth. Of course, there are many divergent lineages that don’t fit into these, much like Earth’s protists, but these are the largest groupings.  


These organisms are similar to the plants of Earth, engaging in carbon dioxide photosynthesis and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. They also use atmospheric ammonia as a source of nitrogen for protein production. This process releases hydrogen, contributing to the small amount of hydrogen present in the planet’s atmosphere, although it is eventually released out into space. They tend to use carotenoids as their photosynthetic pigment, rather than chlorophyll, giving them colours ranging between yellow, orange, and red.

Erythroplasts are more abundant near the equator where conditions are more stable throughout the year, although the taller species don’t grow as well during the windy season.


Cyanotrichs constitute another plant-like kingdom, with many distinctions that set them apart from erythroplasts. Their cells tend to be long and fibrous, and in addition to photosynthesis, they also engage in chemosynthesis. These plants are more fungus-like than erythroplasts, with many species acting as detrivores feeding off decaying matter. Some detrivores have even lost their ability to photosynthesise, becoming even more fungus-like.

Most species grow during the windy season when the seas retreat, growing on the dried-up sea beds and feeding off of the ample nutrients that are left behind. Since, near the equator, the sun is close to the horizon during this time of year, there is much less light available, so they’d be unable to sustain themselves on photosynthesis alone. This is where their ability to chemosynthesise and feed off of decaying matter give them an edge. They have various means of obtaining chemical energy, including the oxidation of atmospheric hydrogen, ammonia, and methane, as well as carbon dioxide reduction.

Because they grow close to the equator at a time of year when the sun is perpetually setting, most of the light available to them is red and orange. To absorb light from this part of the spectrum, they use the photosynthetic pigment phycocyanin, giving them their blue colouration.


These organisms engage in oxygen respiration, using oxygen to oxidise carbohydrates as a source of energy, similar to the animals of Earth. Some lineages are capable of movement, although more primitive groups aren’t. However, unlike Earth animals, oxytrophians with a nervous system have nerves that carry biogenic light rather than electric signals, with their nerves acting as optical fibres.


Methanotrophians mainly obtain energy by oxidising atmospheric methane, although they also oxidise hydrogen and ammonia. They tend to grow on the winter-side of the planet during the windy season, using chemical energy in the absence of light. They’re much rarer close to the equator.


Detrivorans feed off dead and decaying matter. They grow during the windy season close to the pole facing away from the suns, feeding off of the dead decaying organisms that grew during the still season and the summer. They are remarkable in their ability to withstand cold temperatures, lowering the freezing point of the water in their bodies by incorporating ammonia. During the summer, all detrivorans on the pole die, leaving behind dormant spores that will grow during the next winter.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Previous study of Eurus

For other planets I’ve studied, there has been no shortage of previous research for me to base my writings on. Amthalassa has an intelligent species whose zoological science and palaeontology has reached a similar level to our own, and Nemoros had a species settle on it that was even more advanced. However, on Eurus this wasn’t quite so simple.

The planet does have a sapient species, but their science hasn’t developed yet to the extent that they’ve comprehensively catalogued the life on their planet or studied their evolution. Luckily the planet was recently discovered by the wider interstellar community, and although few have taken interest in the planet there was a small group that worked to study the wildlife there.  

While they only spent two years or so on the planet, and the group of researchers was very small in size, they’ve been able to gather much more data than a larger group of humans would have been able to obtain in decades, thanks to their access to far more advanced technology. Thankfully I’ve been able to get access to this data, and have done a great deal of research myself.  As usual, most taxonomic names have been changed to ones easier for humans to pronounce, using Greek and Latin words.  

Equirectangular map of Eurus, showing continent names based off of those given by the previous researchers. The two shades of blue represent sea during the windy season and still season, with only the darker areas covered by water during the driest days of the windy season. 

The planet


Eurus orbits both stars in a binary system consisting of one K type star and a smaller and dimmer M dwarf. The planet has no moons, and has a very extreme axial tilt of around 90 degrees. This makes its seasons much more extreme than those of Earth’s, with anywhere even a small distance from the equator experiencing summers where the sun never sets and winters where it never rises. Near the equator, the sun stays close to the horizon at these times of year. 

The temperature extremes on the planet during summer and winter are made worse by the fact that the oceans are relatively shallow, and unlike Earth the planet has no single global sea. Because of this, the sea is relatively inefficient at distributing heat.

This axial tilt gives the more hospitable equatorial regions of the planet two main seasons; a windy season, when one hemisphere is experiencing summer and the other winter, and a still season, during autumn and spring. The day-night cycle is normal during the still season, and with less temperature variation winds are much lighter, although still stronger than those of Earth.

There are great variations in the sea level throughout the year, as a result of the temperature variations. When one hemisphere is experiencing winter, a large ice cap forms, and the seas retreat. However, once this ice cap begins to melt the dried-up sea beds flood and fill with water again. The relatively flat topography of most of the planet’s surface adds to this affect, since not much water needs to be lost for a significant change in the coastlines to occur.

Most of what appear to be continents are actually more similar to the sea beds of Earth, only permanently exposed. The actual continents have a much higher topography and cover a much smaller fraction of the surface. Two continental masses currently cover either pole, so the temperature variations in those places are greater than they would otherwise be, with the altitude high enough for the air to be significantly thinner there.

Apart from these differences, Eurus is very similar to Earth in a lot of ways, and as a result the life is too, at least in terms of their biochemistry.

Like Earth, Eurus is a liquid water planet, with oceans consisting of the substance and most life using it as a solvent. However, there is a significant amount of ammonia in the atmosphere, and some organisms close to the poles incorporate it in the cytoplasm of their cells to prevent them from freezing and rupturing during the harsh winters.

Plants use carbon dioxide as a carbon source, just like the plant life on Earth, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. This gives the atmosphere enough oxygen to sustain oxygen breathing animal life, although the levels are lower than those of Earth.


Mass: 1.59 Earth masses
Radius: 7615 km
Surface area: 728.8 km2
Density: 5.13 g/cm3 
Surface gravity: 1.11 g

Dry composition:
Nitrogen: 91%
Oxygen: 7.2%
Argon: 0.89%
Carbon dioxide: 0.51%
Ammonia: 0.022%
Methane: 0.013%
Hydrogen: 0.0011%

Atmospheric pressure: 2.13 bar

Rotational period: 32 hours
Axial tilt: 87o
Orbital period: 128.4 days (96.3 local days)
Semi major axis: 72 million km


The planet is named after Eurus, the Greek god of the east wind.

Eastern coast of Utiwa

Close to the eastern coast of the continent of Utiwa, near the equator, there is a region that consists largely of grassland during the wind...